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Learn how to create, manipulate, and work with complex tables in XML. We'll cover the OASIS table model and look at simple tables and discuss the difference between the two and when to use one over the other. We'll create tables with multiple header rows both at the top of the table as well as mid-table heading and discuss best practices. Attendees who have their own Editor license can use their own environment and ask questions relevant to their implementation during the class.


This class is a combination of lectures mixed with examples and hands-on exercises.

Previous Experience Required: Attendees should have previous experience authoring content in Arbortext Editor.

Software Required: Attendees who have their own licensed copy of Arbortext Editor ready and installed may use their own environment during the class. Attendees who are interested in Arbortext but do not have a license may attend and observe.

Note: If you see “There are no appointment types available for scheduling”, it means that the class is full or registration has closed.