Creating stylesheets for the Techinfo DITA Specialization is similar to DITA Stylesheets. In this class, we'll show you how the process differs and how these stylesheets can be used directly from Windchill's Information Structures and Publishing Structures. We'll show you how to get the RDS from any Windchill structure for stylesheet troubleshooting and specialized stylesheet design concerns.
This class is a combination of lectures mixed with examples and hands-on exercises.
Previous Experience Required: Attendees should have previous experience using Arbortext Styler.
Software Required: Attendees must have their own licensed copy of Arbortext Styler ready and installed to use during the class. Attendees who are interested in Arbortext but do not have a license may attend and observe.
Note: If you see “There are no appointment types available for scheduling”, it means that the class is full or registration has closed.