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Formatting in generated content regions on pages changed in Arbortext Styler 8.0. Stylesheets that used tables for formatting in headers, footers, and other generated content regions saw changes in their output. Tables aren't really for formatting; they're for tabular content. So those of us who work with stylesheets weren't really surprised. In this session, we'll take a stylesheet that uses tables and rework it into a more robust, stable stylesheet that uses the side-by-side feature.

This class is a combination of lectures mixed with examples and hands-on exercises.


Previous Experience with Styler required.

Software Required: Attendees must have their own licensed copy of Arbortext Styler ready and installed to use during the class. Attendees who are interested in Arbortext but do not have a license may attend and observe.

Note: If you see “There are no appointment types available for scheduling”, it means that the class is full or registration has closed.