Learn the basics for authoring MIL-STD 40051 (40051-2C, 40051-2D) technical content. Topics include: Introduction to authoring for defense; Understanding how to write documents that meet 40051 standards, with a particular focus in how to read and get around in the...
Learn the basics for authoring MIL-STD 3001 technical content. Topics include: Introduction to authoring for defense; Understanding MIL-STD 3001, with a particular focus in how to read and get around in the specification; Working with documents, work packages,...
Creating stylesheets for the Techinfo DITA Specialization is similar to DITA Stylesheets. In this class, we'll show you how the process differs and how these stylesheets can be used directly from Windchill's Information Structures and Publishing Structures. We'll show...
Learn how to create, manipulate, and work with complex tables in XML. We'll cover the OASIS table model and look at simple tables and discuss the difference between the two and when to use one over the other. We'll create tables with multiple header rows both at the...
Learn how your existing stylesheet can be adapted without having to redo everything. Your second stylesheet is your chance to minimize your maintenance tasks as well as any work required to make updates when someone asks you to implement a new look and feel or...
Formatting in generated content regions on pages changed in Arbortext Styler 8.0. Stylesheets that used tables for formatting in headers, footers, and other generated content regions saw changes in their output. Tables aren't really for formatting; they're for tabular...