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Learn the basics for working with code templates, or as we call them in Arbortext Editor, “tag” templates. Code and tag templates can pre-populate templatized text including arrangements of tags, attribute values, and typing in Arbortext Editor. We'll cover creating and using templates for use in everyday writing as well as creating templates and samples for installed doctypes and DITA topics. We’ll show you how to configure them so that they show up when you create new files and DITA topics that better match your unique content needs.


This class is a combination of lectures mixed with examples and hands-on exercises.

Previous Experience Required: Attendees should have previous experience authoring content in Arbortext Editor.

Software Required: Attendees who have their own licensed copy of Arbortext Editor ready and installed may use their own environment during the class. Attendees who are interested in Arbortext but do not have a license may attend and observe or purchase the software-add-on to participate in the class.

Registration Closed

Class dates: September 26, 2023