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Learn the Techinfo doctype, a DITA specialization that has special features for Arbortext content stored in Windchill. Understand the relationship between DITA and the TechInfo specialization and the service manual-friendly topic types, such as Diagnostic, Side-by-Side Procedure, and Troubleshooting. Attendees should already be familiar with structured authoring in Arbortext Editor and the standard DITA architecture.


This class is a combination of lectures mixed with examples and hands-on exercises.

Previous Experience Required:
This is an advanced class. Experience with both DITA and Arbortext Editor is required.

Software Required: Arbortext Editor. Attendees who have their own licensed copy of Arbortext Editor ready and installed may use their own environment during the class. Attendees who do not already have Arbortext Editor must either get their own trial license or may attend and observe.

Note: If you see “There are no appointment types available for scheduling”, it means that the class is full or registration has closed.