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DITA Keys Demo

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    • #935
      S3I Staff

      This demo shows how DITA keys and overrides work when using the map structure (rather than profiling).

      Start Here: Download the Sample File

      Download the zip file

      What’s in there?

      A stylesheet (Arbortext-only, both formats: UserManual.fos and UserManual.style)

      Two deliverables, each in it’s own folder: X1 and X2

      The X1 Folder

      There are two maps in this folder. Take care to examine what is in each one and what the relationship between the two are. Note what is in each one and how each one defines it’s responsibility (this is scope):

      1. X1-Structure.ditamap: This map is the definitive view of any User Manual. It has the topics required for a user manual, in order with hierarchy.
      2. X1-UserManual.ditamap: This is the deliverable itself. It references the Structure Map, this is where everything that makes this a deliverable lives – the front matter, the book info, the reference to the key map.

      A key file: X1-keys.ditamap

      Topics and graphics that make up the content of the deliverable

      The X2 Folder

      The X2 folder has a map that includes the X1-Structure map, a new key file, some new topics and a new graphic.

      Notice how the X2-UserManual.ditamap looks almost exactly like the X1 in structure, but it has a different keymap that it references, testKey.ditamap.

      testKey.ditamap changes the definitions of keys that are in X1-keys.ditamap, thus replacing them in the hierarchically lower topics when X2 is resolved and published.

      This folder also has a couple of topics and a graphic to show how keys can be used with those kinds of objects

      What to notice

      Publish the X1-UserManual.ditamap.

      Publish the X2-UserManual.ditamap.

      Compare them to see the replacements and see how override/replacement works. The two topics to look at specifically are the “Change the Oil” and the “Maintenance Schedule” and the cover which has a different title and different product graphic.

      Once you’ve done that, open up X1-UserManual.ditamap and look at it via both the RDE and RDS. Then do the same with X1-UserManual.ditamap. See if you can’t see the way it resolves differently and where the substitution happens (and where the keys operate).

      This is just an example

      It’s contrived but shows usage of all three main types of keys: topic (file), graphic (file), phrase (element). Any element can be substituted and replaced via keys.

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