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Back Office: Hack Your Interactive Technical Content

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    • #1064
      S3I Staff

      Arbortext Monster Garage, Season 2, Episode 20

      In this session of Arbortext Monster Garage series by Single-Sourcing Solutions, Duan Gauche will show you how to band-aid Arbortext SIS and get your parts list out of Creo Illustrate and into Arbortext. Duan will show how to place your parts list in Arbortext Editor. He’s going to show a small app that he developed that opens a Creo Illustrate file and then automatically inserts the parts list from the selected figure into your editor session at the current position of the cursor.

      View Duan’s original blog post on this subject.

      • Skill Level: Intermediate
      • Presenter: Duan Gauché, ProductOne

      Watch the video

      View the Slides



      Duan’s Original Blog Post (preserved for posterity)

      Band-Aid for PTC Arbortext SIS

      Published: October 12, 2011

      Author: dgauche

      I have noticed that PTC does not yet provide a way to place your parts list in Arbortext Editor.

      Obviously this is a bit of a gaping wound… so with all that pain, one needs a bit of aspirin and a band-aid.

      While I can’t help you with the aspirin, I can help you with some band-aid.  I have developed a small app that opens a Creo Illustrate file and then automatically inserts the parts list from the selected figure into your editor session at the current position of the cursor.

      Band-aid application
      picture of Band-aid Application

      Parts list inserted into Editor
      picture of Parts list inserted into Editor

      Video from Original Blog Post (preserved)

      This the video he originally had available. We’ve preserved a copy for posterity. If you are interested in this application, leave a comment on his original blog post.

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